Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Grants Program

08 September 2023




October and November 2023




Online Application

The Australian Government is inviting organisations via an open, competitive grant process to apply to deliver services under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program with a total $140 million available under two open, competitive grant opportunities. These grant opportunities are: 

  • Social and Community Participation grant opportunity 2023-24; and
  • Individual Capacity Building grant opportunity 2024-25

These grant opportunities support key policy objectives around improving accessibility and participation that the disability community indicated were important as part of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31.

Grant opportunities will ensure the continuity of ILC services while the Government considers and responds to the findings of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review.

ILC is a key element of the broader system of activities and supports that work to enable the full participation of people with disability and more inclusive and accessible services for all people with disability, regardless of whether they are eligible for the NDIS.

Both grant opportunities allow applicants to include letters of support for their proposals, including from state and territory ministers, Members of Parliament or local Councillors. Letters of support are welcome but not required.

Social and Community Participation (SCP) grant opportunity

  • Funding is available under Social and Community Participation (SCP) grant opportunity for the delivery of one-off, time-limited activities of two years duration from April 2024 to June 2026. The minimum grant amount is $200,000 and maximum grant amount is $2 million over two years.
  • Funding is to support people with disability, their families and carers to participate, contribute and benefit from mainstream community activities including arts, culture, sport and recreation. The intended outcomes of the SCP stream are people with disability, their families and carers:
    • have greater opportunities to participate and contribute in the community
    • have increased accessibility to, and inclusion in, communities.
  • The SCP grant opportunity has opened and closes on 6 October 2023.

If you believe you are eligible for the SCP grant, please click on the link below for more information on how to apply: 

Social and Community Participation Grant Opportunity

Individual Capacity Building (ICB) grant opportunity

  • Funding will be available over 3 years to deliver one-off, time-limited activities for up to three years from July 2024 to June 2027. The minimum grant amount is $300,000 and the maximum grant amount is $3 million over three years.
  • Funding is for activities to support systemic, nationwide access to peer support, mentoring, self-advocacy and other skills building for people with disability, their family and carers. This grant opportunity will assist providers and community groups to deliver tailored information, resources and supports, addressing the needs of all people with disability, their family and carers.
  • The ICB grant opportunity is scheduled to open from 7 September 2023 to 30 November 2023.

If you believe you are eligible for the ICB grant, please click on the link below for more information on how to apply: 

Individual and Capacity Building Grant Opportunity

If you have any questions about the grant rounds please contact the Community Grants Hub on 1800 020 283 or email [email protected]